Monday, August 20, 2012


This morning we left Beijing and took the two hour train ride to Qinhuangdao. The Beijing train station was quite crowded and so getting onto the train was a trick in itself.
The train station in Qinhuangdao--a very sane place.


The first view off the train--this is going to be lovely!

Pigeon Nest Park

When we arrived in Qinhuangdao Carol, our new tour guide, was at the station to greet us. Since the hotel was not quite ready for us we went to a nearby park called Pigeon Nest Park. This was a lovely site with many beautiful flowers, a view of the China Sea and a nice cool breeze. There was a pavilion and another memorial to Chairman Mao. Qinhuang Dao is the second largest port in China, Shanghai being the largest. The main item passing through this port is coal. In the distance we could see many barges lined up waiting to pass inspection before entering the port.

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